Friday, August 31, 2007

My laptop so sad!

I had let it sit too long on the kitchen counter.....It went to sleep. Like some little old gramma who only eats day old doughnuts and Sonic lemonade.

I moved my finger on the little mouse block thingy, and - nothing. Oh dude, this is not good!

The little power indicator light came on, and that was it. Yeah she is working....but wait, just a bit of a flicker before nothing but a black screen. Reminded me of Carrie in SATC when she her laptop died! But she used a Mac didn't she?? I'll have to dig those old season 1-2-3 DVDs out!

Okay back to mine.....No reassuring chimes, oh wait, I hear gentle whirring, I hear clickety clack of computer bits sorting themselves out (what is that clicking noise anyway?). The screen was black. My computer is dead. Good thing this is just my fluff computer...the big one in the office is the one I keep my pictures on....that is the almighty important one!

Why my computer??!! Surely it could have kept itself up and running just fine. I am pretty bummed out about it. Okay... maybe 'despair' would more aptly describe how it hit me. It was like the final blow. It just seems like one more thing to deal with while Mike is gone!

I mentioned it to him in an email. He said he ALWAYS gets the extended warranty. I couldn't even remember when we got this laptop....turns out he got it for me when Livi was born....whew hoo he got the three year one!! Being as anal as I am I know where the paperwork is....I locate it in a matter of minutes ....grab the file, the cord and the laptop. I put it in my front seat to take by Best Buy after aerobics.

Now don't even get me started on Best Buy, but they were thankful I had my paperwork. Someone somewhere is working on my little baby as we speak. It will be home in early Sept. Until then I will have to blog on the computer in the office. Because I load my pictures on here it is pretty pokey these days! But again, I can deal. What other choice do I have??


Gina said...

I've heard that it pays to be organized. So I suppose I ought to look into that eventually. Good for you that it will be fixed soon.

Anonymous said...

You are way too organised! I envy you.


Wendy said...

I know where all my extended warranties are but that is the only thing I could locate if asked. I am not organized at all. I try to be but it just never works out. At least you have another computer to use while the laptop is being fixed.

Desert Diva said...

Sorry to hear about your laptop. However, it's great that you have the extended warranty and you're getting it fixed.

I wish I were more organized!

Heather said...

So lucky that you had the extended warranty. My laptop died last week....and extended. I am now sitting here on my new fully warrantied laptop! Thank goodness you are organized!