Not sure if it is from watching Madagascar recently on the way home from the beach or what......but the sole single word: Underpants will bring on fits of laughter from a certain four year old boy in this house.
If it is not "underpants" then it is "toots", mind you, I have been very cautious not to ever say FART! Even growing up I never said FART....we always TOOTED. I wanted to say FLUFFED after I heard that once. Or even we SHOT THE BUNNY, but after Livi attached to the fluffy bunny, far it be it to me to be SHOOTING THE BUNNY.
If it is not "underpants" then it is "toots", mind you, I have been very cautious not to ever say FART! Even growing up I never said FART....we always TOOTED. I wanted to say FLUFFED after I heard that once. Or even we SHOT THE BUNNY, but after Livi attached to the fluffy bunny, far it be it to me to be SHOOTING THE BUNNY.
Oh good, at least he is saying "TOOT". I don't want to be the preschool mom that says FARTS!
Okay, remind me why someone would send me an email with dinosaur farts....oops I mean TOOTS??
Jayke always calls it making air, "I had some air Mom!" Okay, thanks for sharing.
OMG. I laughed too hard even before I watched the video! Growing up the only F-word we used was FLUFFY - my husband refused to call "them" fluffies so they are called Toots in our house too. Boys love fart humor - at all ages!
Why do children and men find farting so humorous? I don't get it. But I can't help laugh when they get into hysterics over some obnoxious sound... :)
I refuse to even play the video on the off chance that my 4 year old daughter will hear it, as I will then be assaulted by the "You got to move it move it" song for the next eleventy billion days.
Also, they are pokeys over here. And my girls are pokey masters. It's a gift from their father. Yippee for me. Uh-huh.
My kid gleefully screams "I FARTED". I dutifuly remind her "little ladies don't say fart". She says "I not a little lady". *sigh* I'm toast.
My daughter and I saw that a couple of weeks ago...she got a big kick out of it. :)
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