Sunday, August 05, 2007

I think I might be lightening up in my old age......

For as long as I can remember I have been super organized. Back in junior high before laminating ever entered my little mind, I used to get a roll of the shiny Scotch tape. I would line what ever I wanted "laminated" to get the same effect.

After I got married, I know I relaxed some of my ways even more. There has been the odd occasion that I have gone to bed with dishes on the counter or sink. But I think I have reached a new level of relaxation.

I am giving control over the way dishes should be put in the dishwasher. The kids have put them on the counter. But recently both have acquired new "responsibilities" as they call them. Normally, I would rinse these off and put them the "right way" otherwise known as my way......all facing the same direction with the biggest ones on the right, kids melamine plates on the left.

You can tell we have had pancakes today from the batter bowl. I am still doing the cups. I don't think I could handle the smell of old sippy cups that have had milk in them. Baby steps....babysteps....maybe by the time I get to that one they will be using big kid cups all of the time! By looking at this picture, I can tell I would do some rearranging....I would move that big purple sippy cup (two guesses as to whose that one is) to the back....I like them to go from biggest to smallest.

I am very fond of lists and charts. Whether it goes back to teaching or just me being anal, I have always had lists. Since the kids can't read, I made this chart. It is at their level at the kid table. Even at two years old, Livi knows how to "read" the chart. So we will see how long this lasts.....I can use all the help I can cleaning and these two seem capable. Maybe not to the level I think is right, but it is getting done!

happy sunday y'all


Unknown said...

I actually wrote things like "DONT TOUCH THE LAMP" and "DONT TOUCH THE CURTAIN" on some colored paper and put them up, and I just told him what it said. Now Ty remembers which one says what, which is impressive, I think. I did want to do pictures like you did but my printer isnt reinstalled yet. Cool though.

Ashlee and Carey said...

Wow! I am VERY impressed at how you are letting that go! It's crazy what two kids do to ya I guess! Is it sad that I STILL use scotch tape as my "laminating" thing?!? Have a great week!

Wendy said...

I am anal about my dishwasher too. Jaykeb helps me load now and then but after he is done I rearrange it. I just can't let go of that yet. Stinky sippy cups are the worst!

Monogram Queen said...

Yay for "letting go"!

Ack Stinky sippy cups ARE the worst! Especially ones that somehow disappear in the car and are found weeks later.

Head Hen said...

Eeeewwweee. The lost milk cups are the worst (IMHO)!

Hello, my name is HH and I own a laminator. It's a sickness and I love it.

I love the pictures you use.

Blog said...

I soooooo need you to do some lists and charts for me. Yours are FAB!

Blog said...
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Sisters with Style said...

What a great list for your kids!

Lost milk cups are so scary! I know how many sippy cups we have and each night I count them to see if all are accounted for. There have been those times that one has slipped by me and wouldn't you know it it is the one with the milk! Which in turn ends up straight in the trash.

tommie said...

jessie- thanks, we have morning and night time routines ones as well.

ashlee- thanks! Livi starts visitation this week at preschool!

wendy-yes, they are.

patty-those usually get tossed if I find them a few days later.

Headhen- I would love a laminatior! Ony year Mike got me a paper shredder for Christmas!! It was one of my favorite things that year.

haley-o- It is just made with icons from Microsoft Office...very easy to do.

sisters-I need to keep a count, that might save the ones that get tossed!

Head Hen said...

A paper shredder! Cool! Mine wasn't very good and burned out quickly. I'd love another one of those.

Head Hen said...

A paper shredder! Cool! Mine wasn't very good and burned out quickly. I'd love another one of those.