Thursday, September 13, 2007 we bring it on ourselves?? we bring it on ourselves....or more accurately, did I bring it on myself?? I am not one of those people who has to have big drama going fact I am more the opposite. What ever I can do to make my little life go by nice and easy, the better!! I had pretty much settled into the idea that the director was going to tell me that Livi needed to stay home. I went through all the being pissy to being okay, we can have some fun for a few more months, to the "Oh yeah! think of all the money I have saving!"

So today when I picked up the kids at 12:30, the office manager asked if I had time to talk to the teacher (NOTE: NOT the director, who I had a meeting set up with at 3:30)....I said sure...We went into a little room just off the classroom. She assured me that Livi does do all of the things I mentioned yesterday, but we really need to give her an opportunity to settle in with the rest of the group. Livi has attached herself to a little girl named Haley who is 5. The teacher feels like this is a great step. Livi is doing well in the routines they are learning this first month of time, social graces, getting her lunch out of the lunch box and setting her own place setting, waiting on the others to do the same....The little things that make the day go smoother with preschoolers.

I told her this decision was fine and dandy with me, but I did NOT want to be addressing this again in a couple of weeks. If I am taking her out, I am going to do it now with only three weeks of school under her belt....not in October! She agreed.....Dang, I need that crystal ball again!
On a much lighter note....I saw this at Arlene's :

“You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.”

I go by my first name.....well a shortened form of my first name, so here goes!

T - tetris: Love this game, but I get a cramp in my forearm if I play it!

O - OCD....some claim I have it...I prefer to say Organized!

M - mail: I love to walk out to get the mail every day. Even if it is just junk I get to use my shredder. Have I mentioned I love my shredder!

M- movies....not a big movie watcher....though I do love Princess Bride. I will sit down and watch it if is on while I am flipping channels.

I - Ikea: One just opened near here and I haven't even gone yet! I do like their catalog though.

E - Entertaining: I love to have people over for dinner. It is one of the things I miss the most about Mike being gone. I love Barefoot Contessa's party philosophy....even if she drives Mike crazy!

So there you have it folks. I’m not tagging anyone, but I hope you guys do it…let me know so I can read ‘em


Addy said...

Ikea = Adult crack.

nene P said...

Love Ikea, we dont have one, but ther is one within a few miles of Ryan in Frisco, OCD Im with ya yep, mail, oh the anticipation...
Lets see if I can do this one too.

Little Town Big Life said...

Read the Wed & Thurs posts--so what was your decision with Livi? Poor mama--these things have a bigger effect on moms than the little tykes. We take it harder, they are more resilient! Maybe it's cause we just cannot stand to see our kids disappointed, even for a little while.
Remember, Livi will let go of the decision much quicker than you, and will bounce back sooner.
And the rest of us will be pulling for you. Parenthood is just so "daily"!!!

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Oh I did this earlier this week.

Good for you for standing your ground and saying that you don't want to be having those meetings again. I had such issues with Man Child's teacher last year. So far so good this year....(now where is that wood to knock on....)

CarrieB said...

I'm so sorry you are having problems with the school...I hope either way you and Livi both get the peace of knowing whether or not this is the year for school. Uncertainty is stressful!

I HAVE to see your lists of Bento Box filllings. I may have to adopt this. Totally up my ally.

IKEA is, like, so much fun! Especially for the organized personality-types. I love that place.

I have to know: What is the Barefoot Contessa's party philosophy? Should I know about this?

tommie said...

Tammy- There is a new one in RoundRock, butI haven't made it over there yet!

queeniep-I'll come check it out.

little town big life- I am keeping her there. She really does love it! Hopefully this is the right decision.

cheeky-did things turn out ok?

carrieb- I'll get a list together and email you. Watch a Barefoot Contessa show on FoodNetwork. She makes very simple elegant delicious meals with flair. We made her Christmas dinner a couple of years ago, and has become a family tradition!

Wendy said...

I'm glad Livi gets to stay in school. She will be fine. It just takes them a little while to adjust. I would have told the teacher the same thing, that I didn't want to adress it later.

I am going to try to do the meme this weekend. I've been planning on it.

tulipmom said...

I'm glad to hear Livi is staying in school. She's in, she's out, she's back in ... ready to get off the rollercoaster yet?

Monogram Queen said...

I agree it would be wrong for them to yank her out at a later date.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they decided to let her stay in, especially as she wants to be there so much. Those are such little issues in the long run. Why won't they let her wear pullups? I'd think that would be better than dealing with we undies...

It will all work out.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

yea - I think we do bring on the drama ourselves. I agree with your instinct.