Saturday, April 14, 2007

Salt writing....or mess-making whatever you want to call it

It was windy and chilly all day I had dig out some work that we hadn't done in awhile to keep them busy. Busy meaning not climbing the walls or camped out in front of the tv. Will does this at school. All it is is salt in a tray with a lip. This is the Pampered Chef little bar pan. We had been practicing pouring the salt into containers. He asked to write numbers and his name. I didn't realize he could do this. I was pretty impressed. He could write his name. He still gets "M" and "W" mixed up....he asks me, "Is this the Mom letter?" He also writes his Ls from the bottom up...but overall he did great!

You could tell he was really concentrating. Some numbers were backwards. Nine looked like a sucker...but he definitely knows his numbers.

When he got to 10 he said, "TaDa"......then he got mad that I was taking pictures. Sooo. I had to turn the camera on Livi..

Here is where the mess came into play. She has the 1 down, oh yeah, and she just did hand prints. Which then turned into salt flinging. ....When she was writing the O for her name, she said, "O-me"......

Oh well, it was good for a good thirty minutes of managed chaos!

happy saturday!


Kami said...

Nik still gets the "M" and "W" mixed up on occasion. I love that little bar pan.

LBA said...

Yes, I can imagine the mess that would make here.....

Having a sandpit in the backyard sort of sets the standard for MESS ! :)