Saturday, October 27, 2007

Friday fill in #10

Don't forget ... the Friday Fill-Ins are over here now!

1. The last good thing that came in the mail was _______ .

2. This week I'm grateful for _______.

3. _____ is the most delicious thing ever.

4. _____ inspires me.

5. I'm most happy when I _____ .

6. And all the roads we have to walk along are _____ .

7. As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____ , tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____

1. The last good thing that came in the mail was a letter from Husband.

2. This week I'm grateful for the seven more days crossed off the calendar of a fifteen month deployment.

3. A glass of wine, a plate of cheese, crackers and olives is the most delicious thing ever.

4. As sappy as it may sound, my kids inspires me to be the best mom that I can with what I know and can be right now.

5. I'm most happy when I feel in control of my life.

6. And all the roads we have to walk along are full of adventure if we look around for it.

7. As for the weekend, tonight **(which was really last night) I'm looking forward to taking the kids to a birthday party at an indoor rock climbing place, tomorrow my plans include going to a VTC (video teleconference) with Husband and Sunday, I want to sleep in.....I swear it will happen one day....but most likely it won't until Husband is home in 56 days!!


Janet said...

#3 sounds delicious!!! Hope the VTC went well :-)

Unknown said...

Your #4 doesn't sound sappy to me at all. I had the exact same answer! :-)