Monday, November 05, 2007

Will's no bake cookies

Will's no bake cookies, originally uploaded by tommiea1.

Okay, can i just say I love this little thingy on Flickr....? It came in handy again tonight when I wanted to do a sequence with Will's cookie pics.

The time change is wrecking havoc on Livi's schedule. She asked to lay down at preschool this morning. I pick them up at at 12:30....last week she was napping at this time. She literally crashed as soon as I laid her down on her bed.

So Will and I got to make his cookies. Normally I am so paranoid about letting him eat raw cookie dough. I guess somewhere along the years someone convinced me if I ever ate cookie dough with raw eggs I would die some unimaginable death. Since this is a no-egg recipe....he got to lick away.

Sad to say by dinner time they didn't harden up like they normally do. I am sure the neighbors don't want gooyey no bake cookies. Oh well, the kids still ate them!

ps, just a little note on that vanilla in the first picture. My friend Andrena got that for me years ago when she went to Mexico. That was several moves ago....since the military doesn't always move open spices and liquids like that, we have packed it up with other kitchen essentials and moved it in our personal vehicle. It's that good!


Unknown said...

Aww, Will looks so happy in that picture!

I'm so bad, I love to eat raw cookie dough. Even though I know it could be bad for me and normally I'm such a germ freak.

I've heard that Mexican vanilla is most excellent!

Kellan said...

I am living under a rock over at my site (hey that's a good title I need to use sometime) - I need to learn how to use that fliker picture sequencing thing - it looks great! I've bought that vanilla in Mexico - I agree, it's good. Cute post - see ya.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

I love that recipe idea. And I Love Will's expression in that shot!

We have bought that same vanilla in Mexico (dirt cheap I might add) too; the famous rooster stick indicates its awesome!

Monogram Queen said...

Awww he is so cute! I love raw cookie dough I just ignore the raw eggs part LOL

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Awww these were the very first cookies I learned to make all on my own. LOVE THEM and my kids love them too and have been on me to make them. I think I just might have to now that I see how yummy they are again....Will looks very happy to have them..hehe

Libby said...

Jamie Oliver ain't got nothin' on Will!

(I really dig the vanilla story.)

Janet said...

Love that middle pic of cute! Glad you two got to make the cookies :-)

tulipmom said...

Will looks like such a character in those pics :)

I've never tried Mexican vanilla before.

KatBliss said...

Yummy!!! Wish I was your neighbor, I'd eat those gooey cookies in a flash. :)

Jennifer said...

I've heard that Mexican vanilla is superior to all other vanilla.

Those cookies look yummy!

Desert Diva said...

Hey, Ben & Jerry's make a Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. Just think of all the people that have eaten their raw cookie dough...

tavolini said...

great pictures!!