I am a list maker, always have been....most likely always will. All of my lists are in my handy dandy control journal. It is broken up into different sections of things I need to make my little world function. I pretty much do the same thing every day, so it really made since to me. I was born organized. My home is not always completely picked up....I have two preschoolers! But it is never more than 15 minutes from clean. The kids are learning simple routines and that things have a home. A babysitter can ask them where the dinosaurs go, and both could show you where they go.
Here are the thirteen sections in my control journal that is nothing more than a glorified Trapper Keeper! Doesn't that make you think of junior high?
Daily Routines: these are the things I do every day
1. The morning routine helps get us out the door by 8AM.
2. The afternoon routine is actually pretty much tying up loose ends of things I started in the morning.
3. The before bed routine is the most important one of all to me! I do as much I can after the kids are in bed so that I can push that snooze button if I really want to!! Finally, I do a daily
4. To Do list of the things that aren't on my routines. Today's to do list consists mainly of stuff I need to do to get ready for the weekend.
5.Weekly routines: I do certain things on certain days. The kids go to preschool Monday through Thursday. So I do certain things "kid-free"
6. Zones: The house is divided into five zones. If I get done with the normal every day stuff, I have a great list of "spring cleaning" type things
7. Grocery list: I keep an ongoing list of things in our pantry. Kind of like a perpetual pantry
8. Emergency section: filled with insurance stuff
9. Emergency numbers: sheriff, fire, ambulance, poison control
10. Address book section: This includes a list of Christmas cards sent in previous years.
11. Babysitter info:
12. Vacation packing lists
13. Moving information
"Happiness is not something ready-made, it comes from your own actions." ~His Holiness, the Dalai Lama
This quote sums up the very reason that I do these things. When my world is upside down and chaotic, I am not happy. I need my lists to help things go smoothly. Since I do the very same things all the time, there is no sense wasting time rewriting the very same lists.
Happy Thursday, y'all! Want to play: the new thursday-13