Monday, February 07, 2005

Tuesday February 7, 2005

Hey there all....we are finally all well....yeah! Livi eventually got sick too. Aren't we nice that we shared our germs??
I took Livi to have her pictures made. Here is my favorite:
She is such a happy little girl. She must be going through a growth spurt this last week. She wakes around 4 AM to eat and goes right back to sleep. She then gets up around 8. It is so nice!

We discovered that we have a farmer's market downtown every Saturday. I thought that they had stopped for the winter. We went down there this last Sat. We bundled the kids (the weather was around 50 degrees), and put them in the double stroller. It was kind of fun! Since we love to cook, it was nice to be able to get such fresh produce. We scoped out what we will probably be getting every weekend now!
Other than that, it has been a rather slow week. Oh yeah, did you know that you aren't supposed to put sunscreen on a baby younger than 6 months?? Well, I did not, even though it is clearly marked on the bottle. Here is a picture of Olivia's face from this week:

We went for a walk around the neighborhood, halfway though the walk, Will dropped his sunglasses. When I bent down to pick them, I noticed her face. I had put sunscreen on her before we left. I raced home and washed her face off. When it continued to swell I gave her a little Benydryl. It finally went down about 3 hours later. Yep, mother of the year...right here!
Hope all is well with you,

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